115 research outputs found

    Network Discovery by Generalized Random Walks

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    We investigate network exploration by random walks defined via stationary and adaptive transition probabilities on large graphs. We derive an exact formula valid for arbitrary graphs and arbitrary walks with stationary transition probabilities (STP), for the average number of discovered edges as function of time. We show that for STP walks site and edge exploration obey the same scaling nλ\sim n^{\lambda} as function of time nn. Therefore, edge exploration on graphs with many loops is always lagging compared to site exploration, the revealed graph being sparse until almost all nodes have been discovered. We then introduce the Edge Explorer Model, which presents a novel class of adaptive walks, that perform faithful network discovery even on dense networks.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Brownian-Vacancy Mediated Disordering Dynamics

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    The disordering of an initially phase segregated system of finite size, induced by the presence of highly mobile vacancies, is shown to exhibit dynamic scaling in its late stages. A set of characteristic exponents is introduced and computed analytically, in excellent agreement with Monte Carlo data. In particular, the characteristic time scale, controlling the crossover between increasing disorder and saturation, is found to depend on the exponent scaling the number of vacancies in the sample.Comment: 6 pages, typeset using Euro-LaTex, 6 figures, compresse

    A decomposition based proof for fast mixing of a Markov chain over balanced realizations of a joint degree matrix

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    A joint degree matrix (JDM) specifies the number of connections between nodes of given degrees in a graph, for all degree pairs and uniquely determines the degree sequence of the graph. We consider the space of all balanced realizations of an arbitrary JDM, realizations in which the links between any two degree groups are placed as uniformly as possible. We prove that a swap Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm in the space of all balanced realizations of an {\em arbitrary} graphical JDM mixes rapidly, i.e., the relaxation time of the chain is bounded from above by a polynomial in the number of nodes nn. To prove fast mixing, we first prove a general factorization theorem similar to the Martin-Randall method for disjoint decompositions (partitions). This theorem can be used to bound from below the spectral gap with the help of fast mixing subchains within every partition and a bound on an auxiliary Markov chain between the partitions. Our proof of the general factorization theorem is direct and uses conductance based methods (Cheeger inequality).Comment: submitted, 18 pages, 4 figure